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Friday, October 8, 2010

Bowl of Dust

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." ~George Orwell

Based on our current trajectory, the future is as bleak as any dystopian nightmare envisioned by Orwell. We have become a society where each is beholden to the next through the metrics of debt, imperialism, and what we are told is the "common good".

We have decided to silently accept the sacrifice of personal liberty for homeland security.

We have quietly funded a robust military empire and encouraged the profit schemes of the war machine.

We have capitulated to the ever-pervasive and invasive surveillance society as well as increasingly authoritarian modes of control.

We have time and again sanctioned the authority of the state to exercise force on our behalf -- whether it be the confiscation of wealth through taxation or the violation of private property through regulation.

We have accepted the principle that a proactive government, as long as it is called a "democracy" and cloaks itself in the guise of "freedom", is at liberty to invade every aspect of our personal lives as quickly as it will invade a foreign country.

We have accepted that terrorists are out to get us. We believe the lie of 9-11 as well as other events fabricated or manipulated for the purpose of control. We accept the cultural Psi-Op being run out of the CIA, NSA, and Pentagon as reality.

The fairy-tales are real.

Because they are less painful.

We blindly believe that there is still an America to believe in. Sorry. It is gone. It was long ago co-opted by the militant forces of control and subjugation.

Eventually, blogs like this - criticizing the folding fist of tyranny -- will be deemed "hate speech" or some other form of "terrorist" rhetoric.

Over and over in my head I repeat the wisdom of the famous German thinker, Goethe...

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

The sinister beauty is all around us. An elegant sociopathic design.

Wake up.

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